Hi, my name is
Surag V C
And I'm a

About me

Surag VC
Hello 👋 I'm

A dedicated Flutter Developer with a passion for crafting cutting-edge e-commerce applications. With expertise in Dart and Java, I excel at transforming complex challenges into intuitive user experiences. My focus on data structures and algorithms ensures optimal performance and scalability. Let's collaborate to elevate your e-commerce venture and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

My services

Mobile Application

Expert in MVP and business application.

Web Application

Proficient in crafting Web Application using Flutter


Offering assistance and support for development


Performance Metrics


Hours of Coding Experience


Year Specializing in Flutter Development

Flutter Projects

Other Projects

Contact me

Get in Touch

Got a project? Reach out and let's work together on something exciting. Big or small. Mobile or web.

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